Our hearing aids are special 'free market' hearing aids. These types of hearing aids are mainly new brands and types of hearing aids that use advanced techniques.
A 'free market' hearing aid has not been classified by Zorgverzekeraars Nederland and therefore not included in their database. As a result, you will not receive a reimbursement from your health insurer. You will not be reimbursed in two other cases, namely: if you have previously received reimbursement for a hearing aid in the past five years and if you do not meet the 35 dB standard (an average hearing loss of 35 dB or more per ear).
You may also have to choose a category 2 hearing aid according to the conditions of your insurance. However, a category 3 hearing aid is your preference because of the fit or technical properties. If you decide to opt for that more expensive hearing aid, your health insurer will not reimburse you because you are purchasing a hearing aid from a different category. The costs of the hearing aid are then deductible with the aids via your annual tax return.
If you choose to purchase a hearing aid from us, this is without the intervention of your health insurer. You will then no longer be eligible for compensation. Information about deducting the costs can be found on the website of the Tax Authorities .